Wednesday, February 26, 2020

US company Global Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

US company Global Marketing - Research Paper Example Global operation of the companies has not only created new avenues to earn more revenue, but also played major role in ensuring companies sustain for a longer period of time. In addition, a company with global operation also has competitive advantage over its competitors, as it allows the company to cater to variety of customers and gain their loyalty (Cherunilam, 2010, p.24). Apart from that, the brand value of the company also increases greatly. In the context of USA, there are several companies which have considered international expansion such as Starbucks, Walmart, McDonalds and Apple among many others. However, this project will shed light on how Apple, the US technology giant is managing their global marketing and operation. The paper will emphasize on the marketing and operation strategy of Apple in the international market. Along with that the paper will carry out in-depth analysis of the business environment of the chosen location. The industry in which the company belongs will be also analysed thoroughly. Once the analysis potion is covered, the issues faced by the company in the chosen market will be highlight and how the company should deal with it will be recommended. Finally, on the basis of the findings a conclusion will be drawn. The study will now provide a brief introduction of ‘Apple’. Apple Inc., commonly known as Apple is a US based company involved in manufacturing and marketing of technology products. The company was founded by Ronald Wayne, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, and in the year 1976. It is currently headquartered at Apple Campus, 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California, U.S (LÃ ¼sted, 2012, p.9). The company is known for its wide range of innovative products. Some of the bestsellers of the company include iPhone, iPad, and iPod among others. Apart from manufacturing and marketing electronic gadgets, the company

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Criminology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Criminology - Assignment Example Department of Justice. 2008). Approximately 73% of rape victims know their assailants which will be discussed in more detail later. For now let’s just add few numbers concerning rapists who are, as mentioned, familiar with their victims, 38% being friends, 28% intimate partners and 7% relatives (RAINN 2007). When looking through data displayed on RAINN website, although with exceptions, we can say that a rapist is a married man, already having criminal record, often under the influence of alcohol and drugs. The crime usually occurs in victim’s home, during evening hours and involves mostly the use of physical force. As the list of numbers grows, so is the dual feeling of disgust and disbelief after facing these facts. How is it possible that today, in the 21st century, in the western, modernized world, when animals have rights and get treated with dignity, rape persists as a phenomenon in these proportions. Explanations are abundant and diverse, but for the purpose of this paper we look into Lee Ellis’ book â€Å"Theory of Rape: Inquiries into the Causes of Sexual Aggression". Ellis devoted separate chapters of the book to three distinctive theories dealing with rape. Feminist theory claims that rape is largely the result of male domination in sociopolitical and economic affairs and subsequent use of sexual intimidation and exploitation by males to maintain their supremacy. Supporters of this theory assert that rape is simply a crime of power and has very little to do with actual sex. â€Å"Women are often seen as little more than property for which men compete† (Ellis 1989). Women have never been seen as equal to men, therefore there is a need to dominate them, and, as Ellis observes, the incidences of rape will rise as women increasingly defy the status quo in the society. Every new little victory for women as gender could mean more attempts of male population to continue domination. Ronald Akers and