Saturday, May 16, 2020

Should We Be Mandatory For Children - 1750 Words

Mandating Vaccines From deciding what to do with the baby in your body, to electing to follow certain religious beliefs, people have many rights as American citizens. Several cases have been ruled over when it comes to human rights, such as the Roe vs Wade case, which covers a woman s rights to an abortion, and the Cantwell vs Connecticut case that covers a person s religious right to free exercise. Now the country is torn again in a human rights issue. Should it be mandatory for parents to give their children all of the vaccines that are available for children by the government? There are two sides to this argument, that both stage excellent positions. On one side, there are the people who believe that it is not only a violation of rights to make them vaccinate their child, but it is also interfering with the overall health and well being of the child by injecting them with potentially harmful chemicals. Other people, however, believe that the population as a whole would be safer from disease if ever yone were required to be vaccinated. In their belief, the vaccinations are incredibly safe and effective, and could save the lives of thousands of children. Both parents, those who believe in vaccinations and those who do not, want what is going to be best for their child. Both want to be informed and have the knowledge to be able to raise the healthiest child that they can. Positions in the Vaccine Debate Against Vaccinations On one side of this dispute, many peopleShow MoreRelatedThe Medical Influence Of The American Medical Association1263 Words   |  6 Pagestowards changing how we do medicine in Canada. The recent annual Halifax meeting last August 23 to 26, for instance, conducted under the leadership of the Canadian Medical Association, has an 80,000 member group ready to lobby for mandatory vaccinations (Mihalovic n.p.). If their influence among legislators is strong enough, they can eventually force parents to vaccinate their children in order to access educational institutions. In history, only three provinces had mandatory requirements for vaccinesRead MoreMandatory Vaccinations1223 Words   |  5 Pages Mandatory vaccinations in public school in my opinion play a major role in children’s lives. They are safe and effective, they protect others we care about, and will protect our future generations. Throughout the years there have been thousands and thousands of children’s lives lost due to outbreaks of diseases such as polio and the measles causing many deaths among young children. Vaccinations that have become effective over the years, limiting these diseases if not getting rid of them periodRead MoreThe Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Law1411 Words   |  6 Pagestheir children for upwards of 20 years? The United States government thinks this is fair and allows for less discrimination in the justice system, this law is called the Mandatory Minimum Sentencing law which has been around since the late 18th century. The Mandatory Minimum is for several types of crimes ranging from drug possession, possession of illegal firearms, and sex crimes against children. But this la w was initially designed to have a set system for violent crime offenders. Mandatory minimumsRead MoreEffects Of Prenatal Genetic Testing For Autism806 Words   |  4 Pagespregnancy then we previously thought. The future of understanding the pathophysiology and etiology of ASD is promising. Increased research and testing efforts have improved. There has been remarkable progress towards genetics, neurobiology, and treatments and early interventions. THESIS ARGUMENT (4-6 PAGES) Prenatal genetic testing for autism should not be mandatory. 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Nearly ten years later I was still unable to sit with my best friend. Nicole is 397 pounds and takes up two airplane seats. There is a new concern that arises daily regarding healthy lifestyle choices. The rates of hypertension, strokes, cardiovascular disease and diabetes have all increased. The increasingRead MoreIs The Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Law?1593 Words   |  7 Pagestheir children for upwards of 20 years? The United States government thinks this is fair and allows for less discrimination in the federal justice system, this law is called the Mandatory Minimum Sentencing law. It has been around since the late 18th century, but did not start affecting drug possession until mid 20th century. Mandatory Minimums were initially designed to have a â€Å"cookie cutter† way to sentence violent offenders, but now has a role in sentencing drug offenders as well. Mandatory minimumsRead MoreShould Gym Class Be Mandatory For All Grades?1485 Words   |  6 PagesShould Gym Class Be Mandatory For All Grades? Physical education is good for students physically, mentally and socially. Taking proper care of their body can and will result in an unhealthy life and life style that could follow them for the rest of their lives. Schools all across the nation are full of obesity children. One of the problems is obesity, which is a growing epidemic in the United States, and it is said that seventy eight percent of Americans are not reaching basic activity level approvalsRead MoreThe Case Of Mandatory Vaccination922 Words   |  4 PagesFriedman. Yet, in the case of mandatory vaccines, agreement on protecting another’s life is not universal; therefore we must further justify a policy of mandatory vaccination. Further justification for mandatory vaccinations is logically discerned by reading John Stuart Mill’s and Arthur Okun’s views on rights. In On Liberty, Mill articulates that the only form of acceptable coercion is through the â€Å"harm principle† or â€Å"other regarding.† This translates as no one can or should want to harm their neighbor;Read MoreShould There Be Mandatory Nutrition952 Words   |  4 PagesShould there be Mandatory Nutrition Education in School? Every living thing needs nutrition in order to be surviving and growing healthier. In somehow, government required every import and export food products need to have nutrition label to let the customer know the nutrition fact of product. This will helps and gives us the ideas to know what the sources are containing in the products. For as there is no mandatory nutrition school provided in small town of northeastern from Thailand, many of the

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