Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The attack on Pearl Harbor changed the course of American...

The attack on Pearl Harbor changed the course of American history. On Sunday, December 7,1941, in Oahu, Hawaii, many American ships were in port on a beautiful day. The soldiers were enjoying the incredible weather on that cool Sunday morning. Yamamoto Isoroku, a Japanese Naval officer, was the mastermind behind the attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor. Americans believed Japan was angry at the United States for stopping imports, such as bullets and guns. They also thought the war was far away and their shores were safe. On that Sunday at 7:48 am, Chicho Naguno, commander of the Japanese attack, led twenty-one planes to â€Å"wami momi† the name created by the Hawaiians for the base, meaning â€Å"Pearl Waters.† That was†¦show more content†¦The damages to the American military vessels were more severe: â€Å"four battleships sunk, three battleships damaged, one battleship grounded, two other ships sank, three cruisers damaged, three destroyers damaged, three other ships damaged, 188 aircraft destroyed, 159 aircraft damaged, 2,402 men killed and 1,247 were wounded†(Attack on Pearl Harbor) . Most of those who died are forever entombed on the ships. However, 1,177 men died on board the USS Arizona and only 299 bodies were recovered; the rest are forever entombed on this battleship.The battleship still lies where it sank The United States had never been attacked on its own soil until the attack. On its own soil until the us was attacked on Pearl Harbor. After the attack, the Americans in Hawaii had changed so the army would make sure that Hawaii and the rest of the country was safe and would make sure that it wont happen again.The recordings of the attack was taken by the military. Any information about the Pearl Harbor attack was kept a secret. Family members on the Pearl Harbor base were transported to keep them safe. The military put a martial law into place on the island and â€Å"interned 402 Japanese ,Germans, Italians 43 of them were Americans†(History). These actions were not what the government did. The attack also regularly caused the U.S to declare war on JapanShow MoreRelatedPearl Harbor: Movie vs Reality1493 Words   |  6 PagesPearl Harbor: Movie vs. Reality â€Å"December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan† (Roosevelt). 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